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Water loss in water supply systems is a serious problem for almost all urban areas around the world and it can be even worse in areas with scarcity of water. This problem deserves immediate attention and appropriate action to reduce avoidable stress on scarce and valuable water resources. Several big cities have already started programmes geared towards the step-by-step reduction of the losses and it is well known that many institutions and water and sanitation utilities have developed and implemented strategies and technologies to control leakage and water loss. These strategies have proven highly efficient and received worldwide recognition.

The conference will be held for eleventh time and is considered to be one of the major annual water loss events in the Balkan region. This year’s conference will document available know-how and best practices and will recommend new approaches for more efficient management in the field of water with a focus on water loss reduction.

The conference will be held on Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th (morning). It is aimed at decision-makers and experts in the water supply field as well as for companies – producers or distributors of the respective equipment.


  • To encourage the exchange of experience and information on successful examples within the different national/local programmes in improving leakage control and water losses reduction in water supply systems;
  • To concentrate on the most promising approaches, highlighting especially the need in institutional capacity development and the establishment of cooperation in order to apply the best available technical and managerial solutions;
  • To collect facts and figures and successful case stories to increase awareness and attention to the issue of water loss reduction by decision-makers and water managers.


Innovative solutions to physical water loss reduction
Problems with apparent water losses reduction
Тangible target setting – how to maintain results
Problems related to economic level of leakage
Losses’ assessment and strategy for their reduction
Zoning of the water supply network – DMA and PMA zones
Performance based contracts in help for the water loss reduction
Different case studies – best available technologies


The participation fee is 290 EUR. It includes access to the presentations and conference proceedings, one night at the venue which include lunch, coffee-breaks, dinner, SPA, etc. 


30 June
30 July
1 September
1 September
20 September
30 September

Submission of abstracts and requests for company presentations
Abstracts approval by the programme committee
Papers / Presentations submission
Start of registration, Second Announcement, Preliminary Programme
Registration deadline and payment of registration fees
Booking stands / advertisements


Eng. Ivan Ivanov, President of BWA, BG – Chairman
Eng. Atanas Paskalev, PhD, Aquapartner Ltd, BG
Eng. Dimitar Mihalkov, BWA
Eng. Marieta Ivanova, BWA


Prof. Eng. Petar Kalinkov, UACEG, BG – Chairman
Eng. Atanas Paskalev, PhD, Aquapartner Ltd., BG
Prof. Eng. Gantcho Dimitrov, UACEG, BG
Bambos Charalambous, Cyprus
Stuart Hamilton, UK

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